Survivor, who loves music wouldnt be here without it!

Link to the latest music

Where are you based?

How long have you been making music?
4 years

What genre would you consider your music to be?
Hip hop

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?
Something positive and my passion and way out of stteets and struggle and help my people and give back to streets end some of the bullshit that poverty hands us

What are your biggest musical influences?
2pac, old school hip hop and hardcore

Are you signed to a label or are you an independent artist?

What have been the biggest challenges in your music career?
Continuing my music while homeless on streets and in hotels while running a tree service for me my girl and her mom survival while addicted to meth and herione which i am now clean of thank god

How many songs or albums have you released to date?
Alot i do atleast a song a day to many to count i love it

Can you tell us a few things about your latest release?
Stand tall no matter what u may be facing you can conquer it just believe in god and yourself you can do anything u set ur mind to

Any plans for new music or upcoming projects we should know about?
Till the day i die and then still wont stop


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